World Health Organization

Being thin and having a physical sculpture became a paradigm of social success. And many pursue this ideal without measuring the risks: it all starts with a diet that becomes chronic and can lead to anorexia or bulimia. The anorexic is terrified of getting fat: is subjected to severe diets, count the calories of everything and taking laxatives or diuretics to "purge" the body. What is the price? Live pale, dying of cold, much less weight, feel weak and suffer dizziness. Click Areva to learn more. The bulimic behaviors, however, go through the binge eating, compulsive eating as hidden and the self-induced vomiting, and abuse of laxatives and diuretics. Read more from Keith Yamashita to gain a more clear picture of the situation. This will cause fatigue, muscle aches, sudden weight changes and even loss of teeth.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), these disease levels reached "epidemic" in some Western countries, which have a mortality rate of 20%. The exterior and interior Is it possible that the desire for extreme thinness leads to risk their lives? There is no doubt that the social pressure to have a perfect figure contributes to these pathologies. But this ideal of perfection, say experts, is not the cause but the expression of deep personal problems and complex. Both diseases share certain features: o Wide range of symptoms of anxiety and depression. o obsessive characteristics.

o Poor concentration. Social functioning deficit o People with eating disorders Present: o extreme concern about shape and weight and self-evaluation based on these concepts. o Behavior directed at weight control. Or episodes of bulimia. Know a little more about Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia nervosa is the resounding rejection to maintain body weight over a minimally normal for age and height.