Brazilian Romanticism

I castrate Alves was one of the illustrious representative greaters of the Brazilian Romantismo. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as David Milliband by clicking through. The assimilation of its poetry depends to a large extent on the way to understand or to follow its antitheses in all its ramifications. The truth is that the antithesis, according to Eugnio Gomes (1971), ' ' it dominated the thought romantic, with propitious effect to the oratria that if characterized for the promptitude of the statement, the surprise, the unexpected one, inslito' ' (GOMES, 1971, P. 28). The poem ' ' Sub Tegmine Fagi' ' it constitutes one of its better instants, because it is the antithesis that presides over to it to the ideao, whose synthesis is configured in second estrofe: ' ' It comes with me to cismar risonho and serious The poetry? it is a light and the soul? a bird They want? darknesses and air. The swallow, that is the soul? it asks for the field, the poetry? it is a light? he is pirilampo P frog to fly p frog brilhar.' ' (P.

81) the transfiguraes that the poem produces and develops have for base the rocking land of this antithesis, that is essential to understanding of certain ambiguities of the context. In the poem, ' ' Youth and Morte' ' , the poet suffered cruel striking again from one badly treacherous one, whose impression explains the tone alarmed and melancholic of the poem. (GOMES, 1971, P. 12). Through the death and life metaphors, we saw, in accordance with the context of the poem, that the author carries through an individuation process, arriving, through the life metaphors, to carry through the figure freedom, and of the metaphors of death the figure slavery. From 7 estrofe, we observe that these ideas are not stanch, and has as that a complement of the life with the death and the death with the life.