Increasing Guest Numbers And Tips For Holland Advertising

Positive half-year results of tourism marketing border region, it must be not always Berlin or the Bavarian Forest: also the Munsterland, Osnabruck land and the County of Bentheim offer many tourist highlights. It can be see how the current overnight figures show more and more Dutch tourists. In the Munsterland Osnabrucker land, she climbed or nearly nine percent in the first half of 2008 to 14.4. Also as a day-trip destinations the border regions of growing popularity enjoy, as evidenced by the increase of 7.5 per cent in the Osnabrucker land and 8.5 per cent in the Munsterland in the first half of this year. These figures reflect the success of the Euregional tourism marketing border region: in addition to the higher sales through the increased accommodation and visitor numbers, also the image improvement of the regions as a marketing success can be further refined. Cooperate in the tourism marketing border region the regions of Achterhoek, Overijssel, Munsterland, Grafschaft Bentheim, Osnabruck land and southern Emsland. In the past six years they have in the previous tourism campaign EUREGIO project”implemented numerous projects and cross border cooperation built up. These will be developed in the follow-up project.

At the heart of the current project is the advice of tourist establishments. For more specific information, check out Western Union. As shown in a survey during the last term of the project, a great need for information with regard to the application of the own offerings in the neighbouring country is the tourist companies. For this purpose a new team has gathered: in addition to two German employees, project manager is Heike Rieger of the Dutch tourism Manager Ramon Porskamp supports. This is due to his experiences with the Gelders Overijssels Bureau voor Toerisme (GOBT) an expert for the Dutch market. The project office is located at the EUREGIO in Gronau. Two student assistants help the team including the preparation and implementation of promotional tours with the T@b-Retro-Caravan. You may want to visit Suna Said Maslin to increase your knowledge. This is different from April until October Dutch cities, to inform about the vacation opportunities in the German border region. In this year alone, the promo-caravan was 40 times already in use, in September it visited Oldenzaal, include Ommen and Rijssen.

This tourist establishments can now equip the caravan with its own information material or talk themselves interested in Dutch at the informal meeting in the promo-Caravan. Moreover, the areas of group travel and Congress tourism promoted more in this project. The project is within the framework of the INTERREG IV A programme Germany Nederland by means of the European Fund for regional development (ERDF), as well as the economic ministries of the countries of North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony, Germany and the Dutch provinces of Overijssel and Gelderland co-financed. Learn more about the tourism marketing border region are available at the EUREGIO Gronau and Enschede, wife Heike Rieger and Caroline Homberg, Tel.: 02562 / 702-53, E-Mail:.