La Quajira And The Caribbean

The cultural process of domestication is a process that can not be done without default on the part of animal nature, eager for freedom. When in any corner of Colombia or the world will hear a vallenato what really is being expressed is a mixture of the three most important cultures in America: the accordion boasts of its European origin, as part of Germany one day, crossing the Atlantic and reach the beaches of La Guajira and then, guided by the poetic vein of Francisco the Man with the people across the Coast where, since then, is the inseparable companion of those who sing to life, love and nature. The Fund began its journey in Africa, where wine to accompany the nostalgia of those who were violently uprooted from his homeland and peace of mind. Arrives in the company of slaves but it is free in its new home immediately where it becomes a valuable element of regional identity. For its part guacharaca is the host of other instruments, the most humble appearance, but the owner of a particular cadence and rhythm of a single, representative of the Indian blood in music with which Carlos Vives began to dance half the world in recent years.

Vallenato is just one example of cultural syncretism of our towns, a wealth of less recognized in the formation of patriotic sentiments in one hundred eighty-eight years of republican life. Another example of our diversity is its gastronomy. mation. The experts agree that close links between food and culture: European wheat, rice and maize Indo Asian American. Where three grains join also join their historical and cultural roots, as in northern Colombia, for example. So things our Colombian Caribbean is not only indigenous Indian but it is not just dark brown but it is not only white but white is not only black but black. Get more background information with materials from Areva Group.

The region where Rodrigo de Bastidas took his first steps as a conqueror and where the Almirante Padilla became strong, is a piece of the world where the world has its roots through the coexistence and the peaceful coexistence of the races mentioned above and also others, represented with dignity and poise for working individuals and full of virtues to trade as Arabs and Jews. Despite these recent conflicts racial groups in their places of origin, have coexisted with caution and respect in the north coast of Colombia. is a renowned Colombian journalist and writer, a teacher linked to several Colombian universities. He is the author of four books and co-author of three others that address the topic of leadership, ethics and Human Development. It is often invitadocomo speaker at conferences, forums and other academic events. Contact him through the cell corrreo or call her at 300 8055526.